Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Exorcist

Something happened to Carmela. Suddenly she turned green (ehemmmm, more green than usual), then white and finally blue. And started to swear aloud.
Luckily Brownie is a smart calf and figured out it was a demoniac possesion and called Father McCheese, who has a MDA (MDA stands for Masters in Daemon Administration)

The Wrath of Cheesie

Here ends the Pixelized series, and the wandering of our friends around space-time:

Friday, February 15, 2008

The Thinking Turtle

Fourth episode of the series Pixelized (4 out of 5). The last one ended like a Lost episode: something thrilling about to happen. In this case, Cheesie was going to be attacked by a dinosaur approaching from behind. Dinosaur that was seen by Carmela and Brownie, who ran away like scared chickens.